Friday, May 8, 2009



Once upon a time, in a land not too far away....
There lived a Beautiful Princess who was born on the 9th of May.

Her parents felt so lucky to be Blessed with such a task,
to raise this Precious little girl...for more, they could not ask.

Her hair was dark like Chestnuts,
her eyes were Hazel Brown.

She had skin soft like a porcelin doll,
her cheeks were rosy and round.

From the Very beginning, she caused their hearts to grow.
The Joy she brought into their lives, she will never really know.

Time has come and years have gone,
she's grown up and moved away.

God has sent her across the globe,
But in our hearts, she will always stay.

Today is a day we Celebrate,
the Day God decided to send...

A Beautiful Baby Angel,
that her parents now call JEN!

~We Love you Jennifer Lynn and are Very Proud that you have let God lead you where he needs you. I know it's tough to be apart, especially on special days like this. But what a wonderful time we live in that we can send video, chat on skype and post sappy poems such as this. I pray that your weekend is Special~

Love, Mom
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Delena said...

Happy Birthday, Jen!

dawn klinge said...

What a sweet tribute to your daughter. She sure looks like you Pam!